About Kate Hartman

my two dogs, Daisy on the left and Charlie on the right.
Me with my two friends, Ellie and Katie, at a Jason Aldean concert in VA Beach.
Trying to make it back to the campground on the boat before the sun goes down with my parents. We caught a lot of fish this day!

Hello! My name is Kate Hartman and I am in my junior year at UMW! I am a CDS major with a minor in Business Administration. My hometown is Chesapeake, Virginia, where I have lived my entire life. At home I have two dogs, Daisy Lou and Charlie Ann.

I have done a lot of traveling, especially in the last few years. Recently, I have been to Boston, New York, The Outer Banks, and to visit friends at ECU, USC, App State, UVA, JMU, and Cincinnati.

Aside from traveling, I have some other hobbies, like hunting, fishing, camping, spending time with my family and friends, and going to concerts. Fun fact, I have been to 23 concerts and my favorite one was in Boston, where I saw Megan Moroney open for Kenny Chesney.

When I am not in school, I work at the Airfield 4-H Camp as the rifle instructor. While I enjoy shooting and being at camp, I have also found a passion for positive youth development.

Me with my sister, Maddie, in Boston!
Top: Me with my friends Kalyn, Kenzie, and Maddie (Rose is behind the camera) at App State for New Years!
Bottom: Me at my favorite place! Camp!
Me forcing my mom to take my picture with the lion at the NYC Library!