Throughout this unit, I learned what design is and how It’s more than just pretty colors, and how art is in all of us and We Are All Artists.
design safari
To the right is one of the images featured in my rendition of the design safari. I think this assignment helped me to look deeper into the elements of design in the simple things I see every day, like deodorant. It was also fun to see which elements I was able to find quickly, but I also challenged myself to find two more that were more difficult. I 100% recommend trying the design safari activity!
design bank
Click each image to see it’s post!

daily create
If you want some ideas on how to get those creative juices flowing, I recommend you check out The Daily Create! This website has a new prompt everyday, and I love seeing what others come up with, compared to what I do on the same day. If you are interested, check out three of my responses from this week!